We are Team Terrortops.
We've built a triceratops-themed robot consisting of both a lifter and a vertical spinner. Unlike similar robots, these are two separate mechanisms and the spinner cannot hit while the lifter is down. A design flaw? No! This is a strategic design that not only allows us to control the pace of the fight and push robots around like Whiplash, but when the time comes, we can tilt the opponent up and hit their underside with comparable power to Witch Doctor!
Meet the Robot
Terrortops (TTops for short)
Date of Birth: October 2022
Age: ~70 Million Years
Weight: 249.999 lb (but never ask a person their weight)
Height: ~20 in
About Me: I’m Sunburst Yellow™️ with a vertical spinner and UHMW articulating arms. Sometimes you’ll see me wearing my segmented tail, if I’m feeling fancy. I’ve recently upgraded my wheels to be vulcanized rubber (hand-cast!) as well as my rib cage. More info here!